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The Bounty, formerly known as The UK Log, is the magazine of the Pitcairn & Norfolk Islands Society (PNI). The Pitcairn Islands Study Group (PISG) was formed in North America and the UK organisation was constituted from an informal meeting of PISG members resident in the UK during 1987-88. The UK Group changed its name to PNI in 2012. The magazine is issued free to all PNI members every six months, and complements the quarterly magazine Pitcairn Log, which is distributed to members of the United States group.
The next edition of The Bounty will be published in July 2024. The closing date for receipt of articles by the editor was 1st May 2024.

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Advertise in The Bounty

Paid advertisements are welcome for publication and artwork can be produced for you if required. Prices are the same for colour or black and white. Rates are as follows:

Full page back cover: £20.00

Full page inside: £15.00

Half page inside: £10.00

Quarter page inside: £7.00

The editor reserves the right to refuse any advert considered unsuitable for the magazine.

A reasonable amount of artwork required for your advert will be carried out free of charge and the advert will be proofed to you by email before publication.

Paid up members of the PNI, may deduct 20% from the above prices, and will be guaranteed a space in the magazine. Sometimes it is possible to place adverts for members totally free of charge if space allows.

Short video introduction to The Bounty magazine

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The video above* shows part of the view of London, looking towards St Paul's Cathedral, from the window of our meeting room at Doggett's Coat and Badge, which is a short walk from Blackfriars Railway Station.

As a member of the PNI you are entitled to attend our twice yearly meetings free of charge. Refreshments are available to purchase from the bar, and there is an excellent restaurant on site.

*The video was updated in 2020 and can now be watched in full screen mode.

Download a free sample copy of The Bounty magazine

Free sample
Click this button to download a free sample PDF copy of the July 2017 edition of The Bounty. When you join the Society, you will be sent a printed copy of the magazine twice a year.