1987 – PNI Meeting Photographs

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The first meeting (on 7th November 1987) of the PNI, then known as the PISG, UK, was held at St Pauls Centre, Hook, Surrey. The meeting was attended by 24 members and five guests – more than half the whole U.K. membership. Revd David Ward convened the meeting and wrote the following report:

After a splendid buffet lunch provided by Mrs. Pat Ward, we started at 2.00 p.m. with displays by 12 members of postal history material (from an amazing array of pre-1940 covers, right up to date).

"I've never seen anything to compare" was the awed whisper of many PISGers. Nor indeed has there ever been so much material on display at one time, in the U.K.

Then on to a fascinating illustrated talk by Jennifer Toombs, doyen of Pitcairn stamp designers, supplemented by slides shown by Jim Russell, a long-time friend, and eight-month resident, of Pitcairn. Ben and Irma Christian stayed with him during their visit last summer to England. They left some of Irma's "Pitcairn Cook-Book" when they returned to the Island. A dozen copies were snapped up straight away.

Jennifer brought a display of Pitcairn handicrafts for us to see as well. So with stamps, slides, handicrafts and personal experiences of the Island, we were well and truly Pitcairnised.

Next, a mini-auction, at mini-prices – but commercial covers and inward mail were much in demand.

Finally, the big question. Should we form a U.K. Regional Chapter of P.I.S.G.? A unanimous yes, and that Jennifer should be President. Seven members volunteered to form a steering committee, to draft a constitution to be adopted at our next meeting (Spring, 1988). We're under way!

David Ward, Convener